Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Shape of Things to Come (stream of consciousness connections)

Initially my thought was that every post would have a theme and that the music I was going to share would be based on that theme. However, I like the idea of letting the songs suggest a theme and making it a true synthetic project. So this post begins with music I like to share with people by the National. I would definately consider this band to be amongst my favourites (at least at the moment anyway). I think to appreciate their sound, approach and to get the most authentic experiecnce of their music as possible through the web I suggest you check out a video of them performing live on CBC radio's Q program. Below is a link to the National performing "Runaway" on Q back in May 2009.

The National inspired fan Hannah Georgas to compose a song all about going to see the band in concert to take in the inspired, and genuine music that rings clear when they perform. Hannah Georgas is up and coming I think would be fair to say at least in Canada. one of her better songs is the tribute to the National included in the link below. Hannah Georgas recent popularity in Canada will be bolstered by her being chosen to write a song for the 2010 Great Canadian Song Quest. My appreciation for Georgas was ignited by her recording for the Song Quest.

Similarly last year around this time I found myself captivated by Hey Rosetta's winning contribution to the 2009 Great Canadian Sing Quest. This was my first exposure to Hey Rosetta and I quickly looked them up online and liked a good quantity of their music. Below is a link to their song for the Song Quest which led me to liking them. Enjoy the tunes and thanks for stopping in. Remember to feel free to share your opinion or own music interests with me if you have time. I love finding new to me music and am constantly in awe of the talent that lies in all corners of our world on stage and in garages or bedrooms with the door just ajar enough for the sounds to sneak out and try to tug on an open ear.

1) the National - "Runaway" (live on CBC's Q)

2) Hannah Georgas - "the National"

3) Hey Rosetta - "Old Crow Black Night Stand Still"

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